AT commands
Operations of a fax modem can be controlled by AT commands.
These commands give the advanced user an opportunity to control
all the features of the modem. A list of common AT commands
based on the ETSI 07.07 standard and supported by the Nokia 9110
Communicator are available in the atcomm.txt file on the diskette
included in the sales package of your communicator.
Barring password
The barring password is a 4-digit code needed to change fax and
voice call barrings, see ”Telephone settings” on page 65. The
password is not located in your communicator or SIM card, but in
the network. You obtain the password from your network operator
when you subscribe to the call barring service.
Cookies are little pieces of information, given by the server to you,
to store information about your visits to a web site. When you
accept cookies, the server is able to evaluate your use of the web
site; what you are interested in, what you want to read, etc.
Domain name and Host name
The terms “domain name” and “host name” are sometimes, slightly
inaccurately, used as synonyms. In a fully qualified domain name,
e.g. www.forum.nokia.com, the first part of the name is the name of
the host, and the following parts are names of domains to which
the host belongs. Each host name corresponds to a certain IP
address. Host names are used because they are easier to remember
than IP addresses.
DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) tones
DTMF tones are the tones you hear when you press the number keys
on the phone keypad. DTMF tones allow you to communicate with
voice mailboxes, computerised telephony systems, etc.
A WWW page may contain hotspots, such as selection lists, text
entry fields, and reset/submit buttons, which enable you to input
information into the World Wide Web.

1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
A language used to define the appearance and content of WWW
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
A document transfer protocol used in the WWW.
Hyperlinks are used to move from one WWW page to another.
IAP (Internet Access Point)
The point where your communicator connects to the Internet by
way of a data call. An Internet access point can be provided, for
example, by a commercial Internet service provider or by your own
Images, inline, external
Images within a fetched WWW page are inline images. Larger
images are often placed as external images and have to be viewed
IMAP4 (Internet Mail Access Protocol, version 4)
A protocol used for accessing your Remote mailbox.
IP (Internet Protocol) address
All computers and other devices connected to the Internet using
the Internet Protocol have their own individual addresses. The
address consists of four numbers separated by points: for example,
Lock code
The lock code is a five-digit code needed to lock and unlock the
communicator. The lock code is also required when you change
certain settings. You will find the lock code on a sticker in the sales
package of your communicator. Keep it secret and in a safe place,
separate from the communicator.
MCN (Micro-Cellular Network) technology
Microcells are used for increasing the capacity of wireless networks
in urban areas.
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
A standard Internet format which permits including multiple mail
objects in a single message. The mail objects can be, for example,
formatted multifont text messages and non-textual elements, such
as images and audio fragments.

1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
PIN (Personal Identity Number) code
The PIN code protects your phone from unauthorised use. The PIN
code is supplied with the SIM card. If the PIN code request is set on,
the code is required each time the phone is switched on. The PIN
code must be 4 to 8 digits long.
PIN2 code
The PIN2 code is supplied with some SIM cards. The PIN2 code is
required to access certain functions supported by the SIM card. The
length of the PIN2 code is 4 to 8 digits.
A plug-in is add-on software that can be downloaded from the
WWW. The communicator uses plug-ins to display a document that
the WWW application itself cannot show.
POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3)
A common mail protocol that can be used for accessing the Remote
PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
A common networking software protocol which enables any
computer with a modem and a phone line to connect directly to the
A formal set of rules that govern how data is transferred between
two devices.
In some networks, the connection between the WWW and the site
you want to connect to is blocked by a firewall. The firewall
protects the network from unauthorised external access. A proxy is
an intermediary program that enables access through the firewall.
A proxy can also serve as a network cache to speed up the fetching
PUK (PIN Unblocking Key) code
The PUK is an 8-digit code supplied with the SIM card. The code is
required when you want to change a disabled PIN code. If you enter
an incorrect PUK code ten times in succession, the SIM card is
rejected and you cannot make or receive any calls, except
emergency calls. When the SIM is rejected, you will need a new SIM
You cannot change the PUK code. If you lose the code, contact your
network operator.

1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
PUK2 code
The PUK2 code is supplied with some SIM cards. The code is
required when you want to change a disabled PIN2 code. If you
enter an incorrect PUK2 code ten times in succession, you will not
be able to access the functions which require the PIN2 code. To use
these functions again, you will need to obtain a new SIM card from
your network operator.
You cannot change the PUK2 code.
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card
The SIM card contains all the information the cellular network
needs to identify the network user. The SIM card also contains
security-related information.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol)
An Internet protocol governing the transfer of electronic mail.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
A security protocol that prevents eavesdropping, tampering, or
message forgery over the Internet. Documents using SSL are
identified with the prefix HTTPS.
TCP Port
Identifies the data port of the destination computer.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
A protocol that governs data communication in the Internet and in
the TCP/IP networks.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Link information required by the WWW to connect to a given
WWW host computer. The URL usually starts with http:// followed
by www. For example, the Nokia Wireless Data Forum home page
can be found at http://www.forum.nokia.com. URLs are often
referred to with phrases like “Home page location,” “Site location,”
“can be found at...”
Voice mailbox
A voice mailbox is a network service or a personal answering
machine where people can leave you voice messages.