To view images
Images that are part of the fetched WWW page are called inline images. By
default, inline images are not fetched with the WWW page, but will be
displayed as icons, unless the option Autoload images is set to Yes in the
WWW settings. To fetch an image, select the image icon and press Get image.
The communicator is capable of fetching images that are in JPEG or GIF
Inline images can also be image maps. An inline image map acts like a
hyperlink. A fetched image map contains a cursor that can be moved with the
arrow keys. When you press Go, the pixel coordinates of the cursor are sent to
the server, and the corresponding WWW page is fetched.
Images that are separate documents and not part of a hypertext document
are called external images. When an external image is fetched, it is viewed
separately from the hypertext document in the image viewer. The commands
in the external image viewer are the same as in the fax viewer.
Tip: You can also
reload a WWW page by
pressing Ctrl-R.
Note: The continuous updating disables
the Autodisconnect time function.
Therefore, the data call does not go off-
line, which may make the call expensive.

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