To use the navigation commands
After the WWW page has been fetched, the following commands become
Go — If there is a link to another WWW page in the currently open page,
select the link with the selection frame and press Go to fetch the page. If the
selected item is a button for sending or resetting a form, Go either sends the
form or resets it to default values.
Get image — If the selected item is an inline image icon, the first command
changes to Get image with which you can fetch the image. If the image is of
an unsupported format, the image icon looks broken on the display and
cannot be selected.
Change — If the selected item is a selection list, check box or radio button, the
first command is Change. With Change, you can tick the box or button on and off.
If you have a form open, Change allows you to attach a file to it. You can
select the attachment from the Own texts, Received messages/mail and
Downloaded files folders. Press Open to open the folder, choose the desired
file and press Select.
Back — If you have browsed through at least two WWW pages, Back allows
you to fetch the previous page
Forward — If you have browsed through at least two WWW pages, and
viewed the previous page with the Back command, you can fetch the next
page by pressing Forward.
Close — Returns to the Bookmarks list.
Cancel — Interrupts the fetch operation.