SMS settings
Press Settings in the SMS application main view to change the settings. The
settings you define here are used until you change them again.
Message centre settings — In order to be able to send short messages, you
must have stored the number of the message centre in this setting and
selected which message centre you want to use in Message centre in use. You
can add new or edit existing message centre numbers in Message centres.
Reply via same centre: Yes / No — This network service allows the recipient of
your short message to reply using your short message centre. By setting this
option to Yes, you allow the recipient to reply to your message, even if the
recipient does not subscribe to the Short Message Service, provided that the
recipient has the means to type a reply message.
Validity period: 1 h / 6 h / 24 h / One week / Maximum — If the recipient of a
message cannot be reached within the set validity period, the message is
removed from the message centre. If Maximum is chosen, the validity period
is set to the maximum value allowed by the message centre. Note that the
network must support this feature.
Message conversion: None (sent as a normal short message) / Fax / X.400 /
Paging / E-mail / ERMES / Speech (message synthesised from a short message)
— In order to receive a converted message, the recipient must have an
appropriate device available, and the network must support this feature. For
example, if you choose Fax, the recipient must have a telefax machine or
similar device connected to the number.
Request delivery report: Yes/No/Show immediately — When this network
service is set to Yes, the status of the sent message (Delivered, Pending, Failed)
is shown in the Delivery reports folder. When set to Show immediately, you
will receive a note when the message has been delivered to the recipient.
Send long messages: Yes/No — If set to No, messages that are longer than 160
characters are sent as several SMS messages. If set to Yes, messages that are
longer than 160 characters are sent as several messages, but if the recipient
Note: Sending a business card
with an attached picture makes
the message very long and may
be expensive.
Note: The message centre number may be
included in some SIM cards. If you use
several SIM cards in your communicator,
make sure that this setting contains the
appropriate message centre number.

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1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
has a Nokia 9110 Communicator or a Nokia 9000i Communicator, the
messages are received as one long message.
Receive info messages: Yes/No/View index — If your network supports this
feature, it will send you information about various topics. If you choose View
index, the network will send you a list of topics, and you can select those
topics on which you wish to receive information.
Info service mode: Display and save/ Display only/Save only — If this is set to
Display and save, messages are displayed and saved in the Info messages
folder. If you select Save only, info messages are not displayed but saved in the
folder. If you select Display only, messages are displayed but not saved.
Info service language — You can select in which languages you want to receive
info messages. Select either All, or a maximum of four languages.
Info service topics — Message topics vary according to the operator. You can
define here what type of messages you want to receive. For more information
about the Info service, contact your service provider.

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1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.

1999 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.