To send DTMF tones when you have an active call
1 Key in the digits from the communicator keyboard. Each keystroke will
generate a DTMF tone which will be transmitted directly.
Besides the numbers 0 - 9, you can also use the characters p, w, * and #
when sending DTMF tones. For information on the functions of these
characters, see ”To make contact cards” on page 51.
Or alternatively,
1 Press the Menu button and select Send DTMF. The DTMF sequences stored
in the other party’s contact card are shown. For information on how to
store DTMF sequences, see ”To make contact cards” on page 51.
2 Select a DTMF sequence. You can edit the sequence, or, if there are no
stored sequences, you can write a new DTMF sequence into the input field.
3 Press Send.