To edit and add cities
1 Press Cities in the world time view to open a list of cities.
2 To make changes to existing cities, press Edit city. The city information is
presented in the form of a card with the following fields:
City — The name shown in the list of cities. Can be entered manually.
Country — The name of the country associated with the city. The country
name is selected from the list of countries.
Area code — The area code required when calling the city. The area code
can be entered with or without a national prefix. Only numbers can be
Figure 3
Tip: A quick way to select a city from the list
of cities is to type the first letter of the city
with the keyboard. The selection frame
jumps to the first city starting with that

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GMT offset — Indicates by how much the local time differs from the
Greenwich Mean Time. Select a value for the offset from a list. The offset
can range from –12 to +12 hours.
Set position — Opens a world map view where you can determine the
position of the city by moving the cross hairs with the arrow keys. When
the city is where you want it to appear, press OK.
To create a new city card, press Add city.
To remove a city from the list, press Delete city. The current home city cannot
be removed; you will have to change the home city first.